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Fear is a powerful force that lives within us and governs our every action, whether we like it or not. It is a constant presence in our lives that we sometimes don’t even realize is there. We feel it the strongest when we encounter something that scares us, such as a stranger in a dark alley, a loud noise out of nowhere, or a fast-moving car while crossing the street. But the real fear is much deeper and more insidious than that.

There are many different types of fear, but the most basic and instinctive one is the fear for our lives and the fear of pain. These fears are given to us as a means of self-preservation and survival. However, fear also resides in our deepest and darkest selves. It was born to help our earliest ancestors survive, but now it’s become something we have to overcome every single day. We give it different names, such as stress or anxiety, but it’s nothing but fear in its purest form.

Even from childhood, we’re subconsciously being taught to be afraid. Toddlers learn to behave for fear of being punished, school kids bring home good grades for fear of being scolded by their parents, college and university students try their best for fear of being expelled, and workers show good results for fear of being fired. Even the most successful business people are afraid of going out of luck and losing their wealth. It’s a never-ending chain of fears that presses us almost from birth to the end of our lives.

Beneath these layers of fear, however, lies a simple truth: they’re all caused by conditioning, and that’s perhaps the scariest part of human nature. Without this learned fear of consequences, we’d be able to do atrocious things with not a single pang of guilt. The whole moral code we build and follow within society is based on the fear of getting penalized by other people.

There are intrinsic fears that push us forward and hold us back, such as the fear of leaving no mark on the world and the fear of being forgotten. When you want to make some serious change in your life, like confessing your feelings to someone you love, there are two fears fighting inside you, tugging you back and forth. One is telling you that you’ll be rejected because you’re not good enough, while the other is the fear of staying alone if you don’t come out with your feelings.

Even those who seem fearless in the eyes of others have anxieties of their own. In fact, they are probably much more insecure than they show. The bold facade might hide a ton of unresolved personal issues. Someone who bullies others and isn’t afraid of getting into a fight might be doing that to spill out their pent-up anger at the world. A person whose life is a thrilling adventure could be afraid of not being recognized or not living their life to the fullest.

Finally, there are other fears that seemingly don’t follow any logic. For example, you might be a lover of extreme sports but be afraid of swimming to the point where you don’t even go near the water. Others might write it off as your little quirk, but it has much deeper roots in your past, and most probably, you don’t even remember what made you feel this way. Our brain tends to block traumatic experiences we had and doesn’t let us recall them to protect us. That’s when Hypnotherapy as a profound tool allow us to access those past events that we don’t remember and reframe them into a new way of being.

In conclusion, fear is a powerful force that governs our lives. It’s a constant presence that sometimes controls us without us even realizing it. But if we learn to recognize and understand our fears, we can overcome them and live a better life. We can live our lives to the fullest without being held back by fear.

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